Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

Just wanted to share a few photos of us from Christmas day.
Family Picture

Camera Hog

Posing for sissy
Our blessings

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What a year

What a year this has been for our family. There has been a lot of changes to take place. God has gotten us through many changes and continues to help us through this life. I will do oldest to youngest and try to share a spot light into their year.

B has had some big changes in her life this year. She graduated high school in May 2011. She had a great graduation party and graduation. She started dating K and things are going great with them. She turned the big 18 this year. She also became the manager at Domino's pizza. She started College at MAC this August and is going to transfer to JeffCo in January. She is majoring in journalism. B also became the youth leader at our church and she continues to play the drums with the praise and worship team. She keeps an extremely busy schedule with work, church, and school. (oh yeah and her boyfriend.)

V made it through his freshman year and is now a sophomore. He plays basketball and runs track. He turned 16 this year and wants to find a job this summer and get his license.V wants to go to school and become a member of the SWAT team when he graduates high school.

D is officially a freshman in high school. He played his 1st year of football and is continuing to play basketball and run track. He took a trip this summer to Joplin Missouri to help with the tornado victims and it was a wonderful experience for him. He wants to go back if the opportunity every arises again. He still wants to be in the coast guard when he graduates high school.

C began homeschooling in April. It was a big adjustment for him, but he enjoys doing it. C played soccer this year and they won all but 2 games. He wants to become a police officer.

N is growing very fast. He is talking a lot better now and maturing quickly. He has learned his colors, is counting, and saying ABC's. He has started going to our church preschool while I am at the hospital with K.

K began having issues with viral infections and ear infections  this year. He had tubes put in towards the end of April. In fact the day of B's graduation party I had to take him to the Er because his ears were bleeding. I continued to take him to the doctor every 10 days for 3 months trying to figure out why he was staying sick. On July 20, 2011 he was diagnosed with Pre B ALL (leukemia). He has had a crazy 5 months of spinal taps, chemo, and surgeries. He is in remission and doing well just dealing with a lot of side effects.

So, as you can see our family has had to make many adjustments, and it has caused everyone to grow up fast. There are still unanswered questions, but we know God has complete control. Everyone have a Merry Christmas.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thank You

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6

Thursday, October 20, 2011

my 1st memory suite page

For some reason it did not upload in order. I still need to add more embellishments to the pages.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6

Friday, September 30, 2011

Elephant Rocks Park

Today we decided to do a 1/2 day of school and g visit Elephant Rocks Park. I have wanted to take the kids there for almost 2 years and jut got to go today. This place had some amazing sites.  The elephant boulder is HUGE. It is a state park, and has over a mile of a paved hiking trail. We did some other hiking but K and I could not do a lot. We had to take his stroller because he gets tired pretty easy and I am not able to tote him long distances. (Seeing he is almost 40 pounds.) Here are some pictures of our trip.
K ready to go hike
N jumped on the first one he saw
Holding the rock off of brother

Train station
This is the wall of the station. I thought this was pretty neat how it was put together.
Elephant rock. This things is HUGE
N is hiding under it
N crawling thru the rocks
We couldn't always get thru everywhere, so we just hung out together
This lake was breathe taking. Picture does not do justices.
Another angle of the lake
C took K up on a rock in his stroller and he thought it was so much fun
Trying to lift this, and then I told C it weighed 8,500 pounds. As much as a pickup truck. He was shocked
This is all granite rock. It was amazing at the amount of granite on a 7.5 acre area. I want to go back and take the whole family. We had a picnic before getting on the trails. The only problem we hit was there is no restroom til you get out. Hard to make a 3 yr old understand that. lol I had a hard time picking pictures out for this. I had so many good pictures of this trip. The area is just beautiful.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


For those of you who do not know; I have been posting on caringbridge.org. Since K has been diagnosed with ALL it is easier for everyone to keep up on that site. He is doing very well. We find out next week if he is in complete remission. We should be starting phase 2 of chemo on Monday if his ANC counts are up to 1,000. When we went to the doctor on Monday his ANC was down to 444. We just keep praying and knowing that God is doing a work in him.Please visit our caring bridge site and leave us comments. I really enjoy reading the notes, and it encourages me. Also please pray for Allie, Ryan, and Caroline. They are all fighting for their lives. I know God has His hand on them just the same as K.

Started homeschool with C on Monday. So far so good. He has been very excited to do his work this year. I changed curriculum at the last minute to be able to adjust to going to the hospital with K. I think he likes this curriculum better than the one I had lined out. I had bought this one at the end of last school year and then changed my mind mid summer and went with BFIAR. God does ALL things for a purpose. He is doing Queens for LA, Math U See for Math, Considering Gods Creation for Science, Finding the Land for Social Studies, Pianimals Book A for Music, and Frogs in Pharaohs Bed for Bible.

V and D started school last Friday and are doing great. D is playing his first season of football and is really enjoying it. V is doing basketball and track this year but not football. 

B started her 1st day of college on Monday. She hasn't really done much but getting her class outlines. She is staying very busy with work, school, drums on Sunday, and leading the youth group on Thursday nights. She is becoming an adult, and I am proud of her but not ready at the same time. I do not know if a mother ever gets ready for her babies to grow up and move out.

M (hubby) got a job in Indiana, so he is only 4 1/2 hours from home and he is off on the weekends. So, we will have daddy home on the weekends. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers of bringing him work closer to home. It is a HUGE blessing even more so now with K having to go back and forth to the hospital. He is running the job and it suppose to last til around Thanksgiving.

Overall we are doing great and we are VERY BLESSED. Our church family has step up and been a huge help to our family through this time. They are cooking, babysitting, counseling, shopping, and anything else needed. We may not have our blood family near by, but our church family is right here and we love them. Thank you to each and everyone who has physical helped and for all the prayers. K has prayers going up all over the world and it is such a blessing. Everyone please keep in touch. If I do not answer the phone just leave a message and I will call you back. Love you all and God bless.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6

Monday, July 18, 2011

A book for sale

I have 2 of these Vocabulary Cartoons book.
I will sell these for $8 each plus shipping. Or $11 for both plus shipping. Any question just email me or comment me. Thank you