Summer is going really good at our house. We have been very busy with sports, company, and me going to see Mike. Trying to find something for the kids to do around here that is fun since we are not taking a trip to Texas this year.
M is home at the moment and may be here til July 10th. (I am super excited about that.) When he leave out this time he will be gone Til November maybe December. Besides I want him to fly for a few days somewhere in there. I don't think I can go 6 months with out him.Plus it will give him a break form 7/12s.
B is working a lot more hours now that she is a manager. He is getting closer to 40 hours a week now. I have been doing her paper work for the college trying to get everything in order. (all the financial aide) She is also planning a mission trip in July to Mexico. She is going to be there for 2 weeks. Now that she is out of high school the doors have opened pretty wide for her and have given her a lot of decisions to make.
V has been busy with basketball this summer. He is in the 10th grade this year and will play on the JV team. He is in the 2nd half of his basketball camp now. He has a tournament for Basketball in July and they are going to Branson, MO. He seems excited to go do this. I think there is a group of about 20 boys going for all the teams.
D is gone as I type this in Joplin, MO helping with the tornado disaster. He left on Sunday and will be home on Wednesday evening. He has been doing weight lifting and getting ready for his 1st year of football. He starts his football camp at the end of July. He is now a freshman in high school and has a really big growth sport this year. He is now taller than I am.
C has stayed busy this summer mowing peoples grass in the community, and helping a family friend build his house. He has really enjoyed and is also doing some homeschool work every now and then. I have not keep him going daily but trying to keep his skills up. He finished his soccer season undefeated, and may play again in the fall.
N is growing and speaking a lot clearer now. Seems like these pat couple of weeks he has added a lot of words to his vocabulary. He is now a big time daddy's boy and is very glad to have M home.
K is a BIG boy now. lol He is 3ft 2in and weighs 42 pounds. He has been going to the doctor a lot lately with his ears and allergies. I have now taken him off of all medicine beside his ear drops. He has an appointment with the allergy doctor next Thursday. I pray they can help figure out what is going on with him. He has been on antibiotic for 40 days straight and is on 7 prescriptions and to me that is ridiculous.
As for me, it is the same things as usually. I just started planning out for C's 1st quarter of school. Trying to get a lot of it planned while M is home. I also watch a friends kiddos every other week while he is at work. Other than that I am just being a mom like always. Enjoying watching my kids grow and wondering where the time has gone sometimes. I am soon to see a doctor for this ganglion cyst on my wrist. Is not a major issue but is causes me a lot of discomfort. Just praying it goes away on its own. It has gone away in the past but i have never had it this long either.
I hope you all are doing well this summer. God bless you all
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6