OK we are starting our new school yr tomorrow July 18th. I am going to start out easy then work up to full curriculum. My bigger kids do not start school until August 17th or 19th.
For K I am going to do a lite and easy study just with basics I got from a website called Brightly Beaming Steps. It uses Bible verses, nursery rhymes, Games, Music, arts, and crafts. These are very quick and easy lessons I can incorporate in all day activities. Example using different colors while drawing and showing him this color through out the house. While taking a bath telling him what body parts we are bathing.
For N, I am using the same website for his age level. His works with a weekly theme. He will be learning shapes, colors, animals, and numbers. We will be using books, rhymes, poems, and crafts that all go with his theme. His lesson will take about 45 minutes a day and then all through out the day I will use life to include his lesson. Example his first week we will be learning about cows, letter A, shape square, and the number 1. I will use books from the library to go with this, plus poems and rhymes. Monday I will introduce cow to him, Tuesday the shape, Wednesday the shape, Thursday the letter and Friday reviews. Plus everyday I add something new we will review what we had the day before on a poster.
For C I am using Beyond Five In a Row for History and Science.
I am using Sandi Queens for Language Arts which is very gentle for him. I am super excited about starting this one.
For Math we are using Math U See again, the Gamma book.
This is some of what he will be learning in math.
- Rectangle: Factors and Product
- Multiply by 1, by 0, Symbols
- Skip Count by 2, 5 and 10
- Multiply times 2
- 1 Quart = 2 Pints
- Multiply times 10
- Patterns: Coloring and Thinking
- Multiply times 5
- Finding the Area of a Rectangle
- Finding the Area of a Square
For Music we are using Pianimals for the keyboard.
So, this is the plan for our year so far. I am excited and ready to get started. I will try to keep everyone updated on how they are all doing.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov. 22:6